DIY Carpet Cleaning  And The Mistakes to Avoid

To get the best out of your carpet and to preserve its life span it is always best to call in professionals, like ourselves. However, if you decide to clean the carpets or rugs in your home on your own we have some common DIY carpet cleaning mistakes to avoid:

  • Avoid using too much pressure when brushing or scrubbing a carpet. Pushing a rotating brush into carpet fibres can cause these fibres to loosen resulting in the carpet looking threadbare.
  • Extract all traces of carpet cleaning chemicals thoroughly. Residual detergents are sticky and trap dirt against carpet fibres, so it’s important to take the time needed for the proper removal of carpet cleaning agents.
  • Always use fresh water with each steam or extraction wand application and don’t rush through the process. Ensure you allow the steam to penetrate carpet fibres and make sure you continue to remove dirt and detergents until the water in the tank is clear.
  • Avoid walking on damp carpets as this can squash the carpet fibres and make them look flattened and worn.
  • Don’t overlook the need for lots of ventilation during and after shampooing or steam cleaning. Good ventilation will reduce the risk of mould and mildew developing as a result of trapped moisture under your carpets and rugs. Open windows and bring in the fans and a dehumidifier if you can, all this helps to remove excess moisture.

Tips for Keeping Carpets Clean

Here are some practical  tips for ensuring your home’s floors are in their best condition in between professional cleaning:

  • Trim your pet’s nails and claws to reduce the amount of dirt they might track over a carpet and avoid pulling on carpet threads and fibres. If the threads of your carpet become loosened then this will allow for more trapped dirt and debris, so it makes sense to keep  your pets nails trimmed and your pets will thank you for it too, as well as your carpets!
  • Invest in an air filter or air purifier for the rooms you use most. An air purifier traps and locks airborne dust and dirt so that this debris cannot settle onto carpeting, keeping your floors cleaner overall. Plus these help with allergies if this is something you or a family member sufferes with.
  • Have your home’s exterior surfaces power-washed regularly. Built-up dirt, dust, and other debris outside the home can eventually makes its way inside, settling onto carpets and other flooring materials.
  • Regular vacuuming does not damage carpets, daily vacuuming removes dirt and dust that otherwise mats down fibres and causes extensive wear and tear on rugs. Invest in a powerful vacuum cleaner and use it every day to keep carpets looking their best between professional cleanings!

So there you have it, we hope you have found our DIY mistakes to avoid and tips to keep your carpet clean useful and hopefully you will put this into practice.

If you need a professional carpet cleaner then give us a call 0151 524 0409

Areas we cover:

We cover Liverpool and surrounding areas including SouthportThe WirralSt HelensWidnesBurscoughFormbyHightownOrmskirkRainfordRufford & Skelmersdale